What is the CLA President's Emerging Scholars (CLA PES) Program?
President's Emerging Scholars is an advising community within the College of Liberal Arts that provides personalized, holistic, and culturally competent advising that advances academic excellence, campus engagement, and professional development for students placed in our program by the Office of Admissions.
CLA-PES offers:
- Low-student-to-adviser ratio
- Peer mentoring
- First-year Learning-Communities
- Computer lab
- Reserved seats in high-demand courses
- Educational and professional development workshops
- FREE - 5 day Summer Seminar in June for incoming first year students (though the Central PES Program office)
- Scholarships - If students meet all program requirements, students are eligible for a $1,000 scholarship in their first year and a $1,000 scholarship in their fourth year
For information about Summer Seminar, PES Plans, and PES Scholarship requirements: Contact Steve Cisneros at cisne004@umn.edu or http://prezscholars.umn.edu
For more information about the College of Liberal Arts President's Emerging Scholars Program: Contact CLA PES at 612-624-7729 or http://pes.class.umn.edu